Thursday, 24 January 2013

Go faster With Beetroot

All sportsmen and women want that extra edge. Faster, stronger, fitter, winner! A few choose to go down the illegal route of drugs and doping. Now scientists have a better idea - beetroots.

Yes a small study in the UK found that having a glass of beetroot juice each day improved speed and time over a set distance on a static bike.

Making Beetroot Juice

They speculate that it is the nitrates present in beetroot that helps. Nitrates cause dilatation of blood vessels which increases blood flow to muscles, bringing more oxygen for better efforts.

It is early days and more studies will be needed but you can bet that if accurate there will be a boom in beetroot juice sales.

Friday, 18 January 2013

A Cure For Deafness

Thanks to our love of loud music many people are into hearing difficulties as they reach middle and early old age. In addition with repeated ear infections hearing can gradually decline. Up until now this has been thought to be permanent with treatment limited to various types of hearing aids. But nos scientists think they may have found a drug that could reverse deafness.

Some Loud Status Quo!

Harvard medical school are investigating a drug called LY411575. It tricks the inner ear into growing more hairs. Yes, you read that right. But how does more hairs help hearing?

Well sounds are transmitted in the inner ear and hairs play a vital part in the process. Loss of hairs results in loss of hearing.

Early work has regrown hairs in animals so now it needs to be looked at in humans, potentially helping millions of people to hear again.

Monday, 7 January 2013

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

Every year many hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer causing huge stress and upset not just for them but also their family. Treatment is improving all the time and survival rates for many cancers are far better than previously.

But prevention is better than cure as the old saying goes. For many of the commoner cancers the biggest factor totally within your control is your weight. Yes being overweight or obese increases the risk of you developing many cancers quite markedly. getting your weight down to more normal levels is one of the quickest ways of getting healthier and living for longer.

Here is a video looking at the whole picture

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

A Brief Explanation Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The two commonest types of arthritis are rheumatoid and osteo. They are very different in both the cause, treatment and outcome. This short video exlains rheumatoid arthritis.

Regardless of the type of arthritis you suffer from there are new treatments being investigated and in clinical trials so never give up hope.